Have you ever had those days where you just felt like you couldn't do it?
couldn't find the motivation to finish
couldn't get everything done in time
couldn't make it those last few weeks
couldn't afford to get everything
didn't have time for everything
couldn't please everyone
couldn't succeed
couldn't move to a country all by yourself
couldn't be all alone?
yeah well I'm having one of those days-any support?
Well.... I wouldn't worry about getting anything for Christmas... just tell people you love them. And you can do it. You're supperwoman, okay?? I love you, and can't wait till you get in town!
Can I send you a long-distance hug? Or if that fails, a hot fudge sundae? Either of those work for me!
You ROCK and I'm so impressed with you--keep pushing through!
I know you've got it in you lady!!! I admire you so much, I can't believe how brave and self assured you are (esp since you are so young.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams Annedashsomething, and have a wonderful Christmas and give that sister and nephew of yours a big hug from me when you see them.
Don't sweat the small stuff...it will all work out. We love you no matter what and support you. Give me a call and I will talk you or listen you through it. Can't wait to see you.
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