Saturday, February 21, 2009

Only at BYU....

If a teacher swears in class the whole class gasps but then no one is surprised at the disscusion of
Jesus Christ

Can you find posters advertising womens seminars one of which is Flirting made Easy.

When you look for housing you first have to specify for married or single housing

There seems to be a lack of guys from the ages of 19-21(19 year olds are all leaving, 21 year olds just got back, 20 year olds more or less don't exist)

About half the graduating class each year is married

You can find many many many people in the freshman class that are engaged

People can date for ten days and then get engaged

You know everyone in your area because they are in your ward and when you ask people what the ward is like when you look for a new apt.

Basically only freshman live on campus.

18-19 year olds are nick-named "Pre-mi's" and guys over 21 are RM's

when they surran wrap signs and statues during rival week

you hope you don't have a roommate from Utah.

I'm sure a lot of other things too I'm just too lazy to think of them

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