Tuesday, September 27, 2011

movies I want to see

so things dont stick in my head including movies Im dying to see. no I dont want your opinion about them I want to remember which movies I want to see.

The Help
New Year's Eve
Crazy stupid love
the lorax
my week with marylin
the muppets!
sherlock homles:a game of shadows

ok I'll add to this later. love movies so much


Marianne said...

I am not giving you my opinion- I am just telling you that I LOVE The Lorax and The Muppets.

Brandi said...

I am also not giving you my opinion but I LOVED Crazy Stupid Love.

I didn't see The Help yet, but the book was great.

How funny--my word verification is movies.

Anne Katherine said...

I also love the lorax and the muppets :)
also I love you guys youre so funny..I mostly meant I didnt want anyones opinions on my choice of movie lol

Unknown said...

Love when the comments are just as funny or entertaining as the post...I didn't know there was a Lorax movie. Is it new/old? I want to see The Help too and the new Sherlock Holmes. Thanks for the reminders. I haven't heard of the others. I need to get back into the swing of things, I guess.

Anne Katherine said...

Janie because I dont watch normal tv or go to the movies often I have to find out new movies for myself online so I think Ive heard of a couple movies early and yeah the lorax is a new movie you can look it up on IMDB I'm not sure if it has a trailer yet but I love the story and the orignal cartoon so can wait to see it.