Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's that time of year

Thanksgiving, a time of year we slow down(due to the extra food consumption) and think about what makes our lives worth living(as we are slightly forced) therefore here is a nice list of what I am thankful for this year(sorry no pictures this time):
-My giant wardrobe-enabling me to pack now and still have clothes to wear the next three weeks-clothes that I will just get rid of at the end though
-my pink christmas tree-because we all need a little christmas cheer
-my piggy bank-18.50 in change? thank you!
-tithing blessings....that will hopefully come from paying my tithing
-My grandma-without her I wouldn't be able to pay for my plan ticket
-my phone-its just a simple way to keep in touch, keep track of my appointments and wake myself up
-books...Ill always be a bookworm
-my roommates :)
-my family :D
-having a washer and dryer in my room
-food! I'm actually really hungry right now
-that I bought new suitcases for this summer
-that I was a nerd in high school and therefore have a MASSIVE backpack to pass off as a personal item
-that I get to move to Germany
-having a job
-and much much more!

And because we can't have too much selflessness in one blog
My Christmas list!(mostly for my family all of whom read this)
-cash...I'm moving people! but if you really would like to get me something refer to the list below-do not stray from the list because if you do there is a 99.9% chance I will thank you for it place it in a box and never look at it again.
-Movies(can be put in my movie case)-including:
HP&Half blood prince
seven brides for seven brothers
any good disney movie
-underwear :P
-snacks :D

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