Thursday, June 30, 2011

so the thing about lions

when they mate they mate twice an hour every hour for four days. CRAZY RIGHT!

Ok so this was definitely one of the best vacations I've ever had.
So pictures that will be coming up
me being attacked by two tiger cubs
me petting a grown cheetah
me holding a python
me holding a baby crocodile
me on a zipline

we also saw rhinos leopards elephants zebras etc. and played on some balance/circusy stuff and went to an amusement park

Ill probably post more about it later tell me what you want to hear about

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dream on...

Have you ever felt like your subconscious kind of I don't know hates you a little. This morning I had a dream that just like attacked one of my biggest insecurities. And who knows that it's one of my biggest insecurities oh yeah--me.

Like we have nightmares and dreams that just totally suck and basically we make ourselves have them.

Do you ever find yourself being upset with people because of something they did in a dream which is clearly nonsense since they didn't actually do it.

Sometimes we have good dreams but other times its like your subconscious is saying since you didnt feel crappy enough yesterday here's a little kick.

Alright I've decided to share said dream, even though it made me really mad at the time it's honestly pretty funny.

Ok so to start out just to tell you my boyfriend and his friends talk about pretty girls and while my boyfriend does most of the agreeing and not the pointing out it still annoys me to no end. He only does it around me since he figures I know that he doesn't mean anything about it and only wants to be with me--which I do know. BUT I'm really insecure about my looks. Now onto the dream:
I was on a bus with my boyfriend and one of his friends and I guess we were going somewhere but they kept commenting about how this girl behind us was really "hot" and in my dream I was really upset by this so mostly I was ignoring them. Then my boyfriend was suddenly toward the back of the bus not to talk to her but to take her picture and texted me and was like look the one beneath my phone(its a dream it doesnt have to make sense) and I texted back calling him a not nice name of the donkey variety and told him to leave me alone for a while. All this time I just felt like really really ugly and so when I woke up I was kind of like why subconscious why? why do you hate me so much?

Thursday, June 2, 2011


clip clap
clip clop
screeching birds
fading into the silence
a faint mumble
of people
no hustle no bustle
lights out
in the local grocery store

it's a holiday
and I have no food.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

points points points

  1. words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart
  2. always forgive your enemies nothing annoys them so much
  3. love all trust few do wrong to no one
  4. the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing
  5. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind
  6. If you can dream it, you can do it
  7. Expectation is the root of all heartache
  8. a true friend stabs you in the front
  9. history will be kind to me for I intend to write it
  10. a child of five would understand this, someone fetch a child of five
  11. behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes
  12. it's kind of fun to do the impossible
  13. get your facts first, then you can distort them as you like
  14. guilt:the gift that keeps on giving
  15. I have a new philosophy. I'm only going
    dread one day at a time
  16. I love mickey mouse more than any woman I have ever known
  17. I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to do other things
  18. an eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind
  19. No one ever told me grief felt so like fear
  20. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
Ok so here are the rules 5 points per quote 3 if you had to look it up and be honest people.I swear the points mean something :) try to not look them up

childhood calling

Clearly I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today, These are things I'd like to have right now a few I already have...just not here

ref=sib_dp_pt.jpgI have this book, it's one of my favourite children's books. It's also how I got one of my childhood nicknames :) I love the pictures the little story and growing up it was something I could really relate to since my best friend (emily--her middle name was a elizabeth just like clifford:)) moved away and I had no idea how we could still be friends if she wasnt there.

corduroy.jpgwho doesn't love corduroy? he's just so cute.

paddington_commemorative.jpgok so paddington bear is what started all of this I desperately want a paddington bear--really this one and you know take him to fun places over the globe--my sister wants to do this with a gnome but I just think it would be fun with paddington bear and his suitcase.

21M+YLSAApL._SL500_AA300_.jpgI love love love lambchop I'd kill to have this puppet I've actually wanted one for years

care-bear-grumpy-cross-stitch-pattern-b2b4f.jpg I already have about a million grumpy bears but I love grumpy bear actually all care bears but only the classics not the weird looking new ones.

SO now if any of you want to get me a gift that will just blow me out of the water now you know what tee hee I guess these things are kind of that "easy bake oven" thing (although I never cared for actual easy bake ovens)