Friday, September 4, 2009

The one where I can't sleep

Seriously I was asleep.

I went to bed at 10 like a good little girl.

and I fell asleep.

about 11:30 I get a call about a very last minute application I sent in

yeah they wanted me to go up then.

I got back by about midnight-not bad right?

but now I cannot sleep.

Can I just say there is a disturbing amount of people out in Provo at midnight I mean its Provo what is there to do????

First week of classes is going pretty good Ive already begun to procrastinate homework, turned in a paper and have my first research assignment well assigned-wahoo. Did you know Im techniquly a junior now.

You'd think a junior in college would be smart enough to not download a virus to their computer

so its a good thing Im really a sophomore-or I just dont posess the good sence I was born with

This post is slightly odd-Ill blame it on the late hour
best Ice cream in Vienna sadoni and sadoni off of stephans platz
best resturant Schnitzelwirt neubaugasse 52
I WANT ICE CREAM-mainly the ice cream depicted above....its mango second best mango ice cream ever the first was that place in Leipzig san remo...or something like that.
That is if you like eis.....and not gilato-like me
ok bed now hopefully
Anne Katherine

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