Friday, July 15, 2011

Mourning in Silence

Today as I read status' from various friends I got everything from my childhood is ending to come on people get a grip, sadly they all referred to the same thing. Whats funny to me is the 21 year old is a little sad there is a passing of an era--but the 9/10 year old in me is more in awe that the book I read with my family over a decade ago has turned into waiting and bated breath and such a big belief that there is more to people than the ordinary but no sadness.

Despite the fact that I've waited for midnight book openings and showing of films and that I did nearly cry during the movie--it wasn't because of an ending era it was because it was a pretty good movie.

my childhood isnt over its still in transition. And just because the last movie in the harry potter series has been released it doesn't mean that its all over. I still have the books on my shelve and can watch the movies whenever I want. And when I'm older Ill share it with my kids share with them a part of my childhood and I'll get to see another generation believe a little bit in magic and for me that's magical.

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