Sunday, July 10, 2011


1. You can get a free slurrpie on july 7th at 7-11 go get one for me

2. I love to bake

3. writing is my life

4.I laugh an abnormal amount--and thats good

5. I like harry potter

6. My sister is one of the coolest people in the world--I wish she could visit me

7. I love living in Germany

8. traveling is fun

9. flying is not

10.I wish I was more photogenic

11. I'd like to learn french

12.I speak German

13.the fact that I only have a tentative plan a frightens me daily

14.I complete peoples sentences it's annoying

15.I get confused easily

16.I don't enjoy birthdays much favorite holiday is thanksgiving

18.I have tiger bite marks on my arm

19.I wish I could play the piano better

20.this is my fourth birthday in germany

21.I like to dance

1 comment:

trudy said...

you are photogenic! you look beautiful in the shot of you and Jordan in England, honest. I can't have a slurpee but I have thought about you all day long. It is good to have a plan that is tenative..that way you remain flexible for any of the crazy things that can happen, it is a good thing. i love you mom