Thursday, April 1, 2010

replaceable people

You know what I'm talking about.

The people you enjoy having in your life but you don't really get too bothered if they leave...cause someone will fill that slot soon.

I'v recently realized that I don't let people become irreplaceable. Then it would hurt when they stop talking to me. This is one of those moments where you will want to say lighten up Anne. But let me tell you with only really I want to say 3 exceptions I have not had any friends that have managed to keep in touch with me after I'm no longer in direct eyesight. A couple others are on probation. And of those 3....only one would I tell everything. And I don't even seek them to tell them things.

I realized this as a friend discussed her break-up talking about all the people she had told...only the "important" people and it was like 7 or so.

I neglect to tell my family about my relationship status

most people find out when they ask.

being able to make friends quickly is a valuable trait...but so is keeping them

I'm an out of sight out of mind person.

sorry for my friends that read this...but some of you should ask yourselves when was the last time we talked....when you said hello?

One of the reasons I took down my birthday from everywhere or changed it is because I'm sick of fake friends that think its ok once a year to say hello.

If I ask you how you are I honestly care.

I never feel apologetic for who I am.
Random facts:
-Today(april 2) is Kemper's birthday! WOOT one year of awesome!!!!!
quote:Life has to be a little nuts sometimes. Otherwise it's just a bunch of Thursdays strung together.

1 comment:

trudy said...

I"m not very good at communicating with just seems to pick me up and carry me along or the mood I am in is not very pleasant to share. You are always on my mind and that is not just because I'm your mom. I think you are a wonderful person with lots of great things to offer the world. The only friend that we can really count on and lean on all of the time is Jesus Christ. He can pull you through any situation because He has experienced them all. Take time to think about Him this Easter Conference. I love you Anne.