Friday, January 29, 2010

I will be waiting

to blog until I am in a better mood. I just sent an e-mail to a friend and all I did was complain, which I feel bad about. I don't want to talk to anyone because all I do is complain but part of the reason is I have no one to talk to. But if I were to blog right now I'd just talk about how much I don't like it here. And thats not fair to Turkey I'm sure they like tourism too.



Brandi said...

If I didn't blog without complaining I'd never blog.

Sorry you're hating Turkey. I'm still jealous. I'd rather be hating Turkey than hating Georgia (which I do every single day).

trudy said...

I just emailed you and i was complaining...must be that we are all normal and just need to express ourselves. Durango is beautiful, with huge piles of snow everywhere...wish I could walk better, I would venture outside. gotta make ourselves look for the positive :)

Harmony said...

I'm with your mom. It's not complaining--it's EXPRESSING!

Express to us, baby! <-- that sounds like something Madonna or En Vouge would say!